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Vancouver Christmas
Tree Lighting
What (Information from 2024): Back for its 18th sparkling year, the in-person kick-off party for the city's official Christmas tree––a shimmering, 76-feet-tall cone of 100,000 lights and fake foliage that's just crying out for selfies––is a family-friendly live event that's well-worth checking out. Sprinkled with festive cheer and toe-tapping live music (as well as gratis hot chocolate) Santa will also be on-hand to offer his official seal of approval. And if you miss the big launch, don't forget to beeline this way sometime over the holidays to snap some photos with the twinkling spectacle.
When: TBC
Where: šxʷƛ̓ənÉ™q Xwtl'e7énk Square (Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza), downtown Vancouver
Cost: Free!
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